UK and Ireland windfarm environmental noise professionals can claim to be the most advanced in the world. The level of scrutiny and technical veracity applied to UK and Republic of Ireland onshore windfarm developments is unprecedented.
ANV Measurement Systems have been supplying and supporting instrumentation for windfarm noise surveys for more than 20 years.
Rion instruments’ low power consumption and reliability, together with their storage of data as text files and ANV Measurement Systems’ simple and practical long-term outdoor kits, have always offered practitioners a really practical solution.
The Rion kit has also stood up to the intense scrutiny it has been subjected to.
Rion have always had their Class instruments pattern evaluated (type tested) at PTB. This provides the assurance that their instruments have been independently evaluated in accordance with the strict requirements of IEC 61672-2/IEC 60942 Annex A. The 61672 series of standards and Annex A of IEC 60942 give you the assurance that instruments really are Class 1, not just designed to achieve the standards and/or claimed to do so by the manufacturer.
Then there’s the knotty issue of windshields. ANV Measurement Systems’ customers, with some support from ANV, managed to establish that the older Rion WS-03, used with older NL-31/32 meters, as the industry standard for windfarm noise. Similarly, before and after the publication of the IOA Good Practice Guide (and Supplementary Guidance), the Rion WS-15, used with the Rion NL-52 and now the Rion NL-53, has become the industry standard for windfarm noise assessments. The Rion NL-52 and NL-53 have also been type tested with the WS-15 windshield.
Rion adapted the NL-52 to meet some very specific needs to the windfarm noise assessment industry (and of course these features have been carried across into the NL-53):- • 2 minutes audio recording during 10 minute measurement periods; and • 100 msec Leq third octave fast sampling for the assessment of amplitude modulation.
We hope to stay at the forefront of the noise instrumentation market for onshore windfarms by continuing to offer excellent and reliable kit which is exceptionally well-suited to windfarm work together with exceptional customer/technical report.
Our noise monitoring systems are available for hire or sale.
At ANV Measurement Systems there are always acoustics professionals available during normal office hours to discuss your requirements and to help you when the veracity of your measurements is being questioned.
And we fully support our instrumentation. ANV Measurement Systems UKAS Laboratory (0653) calibrates Rion, Norsonic and all major manufacturers’ instrumentation with a standard 5 day turnround.
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