ANV Measurement Systems have been supplying road traffic noise measurement and monitoring solutions for over 20 years. ANV Measurement Systems’ practical solutions were based upon more then 10 years prior experience of carrying out environmental noise measurements as consultants (note: ANV Measurement Systems do not carry out consultancy and have no intention of doing so in the future).
ANV Measurement systems sell and hire Class 1 sound level meters/analysers with simple and proven outdoor protection. We have solutions which are suited to battery-powered long-term unattended noise surveys for a week, 2 weeks and “permanent” monitors with our tried and tested off-grid solutions. These solutions, so relied upon across the UK acoustics industry, have been at the very heart of ANV’s success.
Our market leading position came as a result of Rion’s low powered and reliable logging sound level meters and outdoor windshields (first the WS-03 and the WS-15) which gained widespread acceptance in the industry.
Long-term measurement systems, with Rion NL-53s and Rion NL-52s, are widely used to establish road traffic noise levels. These can capture broadband processed values (L10, Leq, LAmax, LAmin, and 4 Lmore ns) and short samples (1 second, 10 and 100 msec for example). These systems can optionally include octave/third octaves and/or wav file recording. The powerful triggering option for the wav file recording enable you to identify atypical noise events without having to sift through hours of audio. The events can be efficiently reviewed and excluded using Rion’s AS-60 software which also has powerful reporting tools.
We can also supply you with professional quality weather monitors so you can capture weather data during your survey.
Our live-to web-noise monitoring system, Live Leq, is a market-leading solution which incorporates around 10 years of improvements based upon customer suggestions. If you need your data live you will not find a better solution. Live Leq is the noise element of ANV’s multi-parameter LivEnviro system for live to web monitoring of noise, vibration, dust and weather. The weather element of this system has a powerful limit setting section which can be used to flag when the wind is (or is not) blowing between a specified pair of compass settings or when there has been precipitation (the system even distinguishes between rain, hail and snow).
In situations where you need to differentiate between the levels of noise arising from a specific road, or segment of road, the Norsonic Nor1297 Noise Compass continuously monitors noise level and direction of arrival. This is a practical, tried and tested solution distinguishing the levels of noise arising from different areas.
Power is often an issue for roadside noise surveys. ANV Measurement Systems are experts at providing off-grid solutions for environmental monitoring that work in practice, not just in principle.
We hope to stay at the forefront of the road traffic noise instrumentation market by continuing to supply excellent and reliable kit with exceptional customer/technical report.
Our noise, vibration, dust and weather measurement and monitoring systems are available for hire or sale.
If you’re not quite sure what you need, don’t hesitate to call. There are always acoustics professionals available during normal office hours to discuss your requirements.
If you already have sound and vibration instrumentation, ANV Measurement Systems UKAS Laboratory (0653) calibrates all major manufacturers’ instrumentation with a standard 5 day turnround.
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