Rion WS-15 Outdoor Microphone Protection

The acoustics industry standard for outdoor protection for more than 10 years.


  • The outdoor protection for the Rion UC-59 microphones used with Rion NL-52 and NL-53
  • WS-15 windshield correction included in NL-52 and NL-52
  • Maintains BS EN IEC 61672 Class 1 and PTB Type Tested performance
  • Complete protection from wind and rain
  • Enhanced wind noise reduction when compared to standard windshield
  • Complies with the IOA Good Practice Guide for Windfarm Noise Measurements
  • Can be supplied with or without birdspikes


  • Environmental Noise
  • Construction Noise
  • Road Traffic Noise
  • Baseline Noise Surveys
  • Demolition Noise
  • Railway Noise
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Windfarm Noise
  • Industrial Noise

Product Description

The Rion WS-15 Outdoor Microphone Protection System is practical, simple and effective, providing all the protection that Rion microphones and pre-amplifiers need against the elements. With hundreds of WS-15s being used 24/7, every day of the year in the UK, the protection provided by the WS-15 is totally site-proven.

Applying weather protection to meters’ standard microphone represents a significant cost saving when compared to meters that have to be used with a separate outdoor microphone for long-term surveys/monitoring.

The Rion WS-15 is the most widely used and accepted outdoor windshield for wind turbine noise assessments in the UK and Ireland.

The Rion WS-15 (used with the Rion NL-53 or NL-52) complies with the IOA Good Practice Guide for Windfarm Noise and Supplementary Guidance Note 1 because it is certified by the manuafacturer to achieve the relevant specifications for BS EN IEC 61672-1 and the insert loss/gain is no greater than 1 dB in any octave band from 63Hz – 4000 Hz (inclusive).


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