Rion NL-53 Sound Level Meter (Class 1)

The perfect sound level meter for environmental noise surveys.


  • Measures and Logs Leq, Lmax, Lmin, SEL & 5 percentiles
  • 10 – 100msec short samples
  • Third octave, wav file, FFT and reverberation time options
  • BS EN IEC 61672 Class 1 and PTB Type Tested
  • Suitable for attended, unattended and live-to web measurements
  • Industry standard WS-15 outdoor microphone protection
  • Intuitive and quick touch screen operation
  • Data stored as csv text files on removable SD card
  • Serial, USB and ethernet interfaces
  • Class 2 NL-43 also available


  • Environmental Noise
  • Construction Noise
  • Room Acoustics
  • Baseline Noise Surveys
  • Demolition Noise
  • Product Noise
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Windfarm Noise
  • Transportation Noise

Product Description

The Rion NL53 replaces the Rion NL-52 in the Rion/ANV product lineup.

The Rion NL-52 became the industry standard for measuring environmental noise due to it’s ease of use, reliability, low power and, of course, storing data as a csv text file on a removable SD card.

The Rion NL-53 retains all of the advantages of the Rion NL-52 but adds a smartphone-like, touch screen user interface which makes the Rion NL-53 even quicker and easier to use.

The feedback from our loyal Rion customers regarding the NL-53 has been universally positive – even better than the Rion NL-52.

Perfect for attended noise surveys, long-term unattended surveys with ANV’s Standard or Enhanced Outdoor Kits and for live-to-web monitoring with ANV’s Live Leq, the noise element of LivEnviro.

The NL-53 also adds ethernet connectivity to USB and serial comms.

There are octave/third octave, wav file recording and FFT options available. The Rion NL-43 Class 2 version is functionally identical to the NL-53. The Rion NL-63 is the extended low frequency version of the NL-53.



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