Rion Microphones

A wide range of top-quality high-performance microphones at a highly competitive price.


  • Pre-polarised “Class 1” and “Class 2” free-field 1/2 “ microphones
  • Pre-polarised and 200V polarisation voltage 1” free-field 1” and ¼” microphones
  • ½” and 1” 200V polarisation voltage pressure microphones
  • Low noise microphone pre-amp set with 2 dB(A) noise floor
  • TEDS compliant ½” microphone and pre-amp sets
  • A full range of pre-amps to support all the Rion microphone types
  • Full range of windshield and other accessories available


  • Automotive Sound
  • Product Noise Testing
  • Low Noise Measurements
  • Quality Control
  • Sound Power Measurements
  • Test and Measurement

Product Description

Rion is a leader amongst the very few companies that manufacture top quality measurement microphones. Rion manufacture a wide range of microphones and pre-amplifiers for both standard and highly specialised requirements.

The UC-59 is Rion’s current standard ½” free-field (WS2F) pre-polarised microphone which is used on Class 1 sound level meters. The Rion UC-59 has a zero pressure to free-field correction at 1 kHz and a sensitivity of -27 dB re 1V/Pa making it well suited to easy integration into measurement systems.

The low noise 1” free-field (WS1F) UC-35P is paired with an 4mA ICP preamplifier to provide a sensitivity of 1V/Pa with a typical noise floor of 2 dB(A).

Rion microphones and microphone sets offer an unbeatable ratio of quality to price.


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