Rion AS-70 Wav File Analysis Software

Easily analyse wav files for noise and vibration indices & tonality.


  • Drag and drop Rion wav files into software (automatic calibration)
  • Powerful features but easy to use
  • Frequency and time weightings and indices for noise and vibration analysis
  • Octave, third octave, FFT, spectrograms
  • Tonal analysis in accordance with BS 4142: 2024
  • Re-Analyse survey data from wav files
  • Many standard wav file formats supported


  • Environmental Noise
  • Railway Noise and Vibration
  • Building Vibration
  • Groundborne Vibration
  • Automotive Sound & Vibration
  • Sensitive Machinery
  • Building Vibration
  • Environmental Vibration
  • Industrial Machinery Vibration

Product Description

The AS-70 wav file analysis software can be used to import and analyse wav files from the Rion NL-53/43 and other Rion instruments such as the NL-52, NL-42, NA-28, DA-21 and RioNote. AS-70 can also import files from third party instruments/data recorders. Rion AS-70 automatically imports the calibration data if the wav file has been recorded on a Rion instrument.

Wav files recorded with the VM-56 require a specific version of the software AS-70GV and if you wish to use wav files form the VM-56 and other instruments you will need AS-70 plus AS-70GV.

Simply drag and drop file icons into the AS-70 software window to load data. AS-70 has a wide range of functions for both sound and vibration analysis.


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