Norsonic NorCloud

Uniquely Powerful Live-to-Web Noise Monitoring and Analysis


  • Live Access to Noise Data & Audio
  • Remote download (on demand & scheduled)
  • GPS
  • Leq, Lmax,, Lmin, SEL, Ln and high resolution instantaneous SPL
  • Octaves and third octaves
  • Ultrasound Option
  • Noise Compass option
  • Browser-based, no software installation required
  • Real-time e-mail alerts
  • Access to current and historic data and audio
  • Controlled access for stakeholders
  • Powerful report generator
  • Seemless integration with NorReview


  • Environmental Noise
  • Construction/Demolition Noise
  • Transportation Noise
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Industrial Noise
  • Entertainment Noise

Product Description

NorCloud connected seamlessly to the Nor 1545 Monitoring Terminal and/or self-standing Nor145 and/or Nor150 sound level meters.

NorCloud makes the powerful measurement and comprehensive data collection capabilities of these systems available live via their 4G modems.

The remote availability of high quality wav files and fast sampled data makes this system uniquley powerful.

Available options include the Nor1297 Noise Compass, which discrimates between wanted/unwanted sounds based on their 3-D direction of arrival, 1/4″ microphoes for high noise levels from gunfire and ultrasound option offering a precision instrumentation solution for assessing noise effects on wildlife.

NorCloud seemlessly integrates with NorReview making the management and reporting of data simple for even the most complex noise monitoring exercises.


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