Lufft WS600 Compact All-in-One Weather Sensor

Measures windspeed & Direction, Precipitation, Temperature & more.


  • Ultrasonic windspeed and direction detection
  • Doppler radar precipitation detection (precipitation rate and type i.e. rain, snow, hail)
  • Temperature, pressure and relative humidity
  • Self orientation with electronic compass
  • Sensors have no moving parts
  • Low power consumption
  • 1.5 kg weight
  • RS485 interface


  • BS 4142 Assessments
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Baseline Noise Assessments
  • Windfarm Noise
  • Environmental Noise
  • Baseline Dust Assessments

Product Description

The Lufft WS600 weather sensor measures windspeed and direction, precipitation (including type and rate), temperature, pressure and relative humidity.

Utilising Doppler radar for measuring precipitation and ultrasonic transducers for windspeed and direction, the sensors have no moving parts (an important consideration for noise measurements and for maintenance).

The WS600 also incorporates an electronic compass and is self orientating on site.


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