Lightweight LiFePO4 Batteries

Lightweight and Safe Lithium Batteries for Long-Term Measurements.


  • 12V 12Ah as deployed in NL-53 and VM-56 long-term kits
  • Same physical size as 12V 12Ah VRLA but much lighter
  • 12V 12 Ah perfect for swap-out for existing Rion/ANV Systems (12V – 6V converter required for NL-52)
  • 100Ah batteries for multi-week deployment of unattended noise or vibration monitors
  • Blue tooth app on 100 Ah LiFeP04 battery to check battery condition
  • 100Ah batteries give > 10 days fully live-to-web noise or vibration (>20 days for hourly uploads)
  • Outdoor Protection for 100 Ah batteries
  • ANV supply complete systems with charger, protective fuse and non-reversible connectors
  • 12V 12Ah weight 1.5kg
  • 100 Ah weight 11.9kg


  • BS 4142 Assessments
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Demolition Monitoring
  • Baseline Noise Assessments
  • Windfarm Noise
  • Transportation Noise
  • Environmental Noise & Vibration
  • Construction Monitoring
  • Minerals and Waste Monitoring


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