
Live-to-Web Noise, Vibration, Dust and Weather.


  • Type Tested Class 1 Noise
  • BS EN ISO 8041 Vibration
  • MCERTS Particulates/Dust
  • Widely trusted and reliable
  • At least 5 user definable simultaneous limits per sensor
  • Up to 24 sets of limits per day
  • Different Limits for Each Day
  • E-mail alerts
  • Full access to current & historic data and audio
  • Limit and level triggered audio
  • Live audio
  • Buffered Audio on demand
  • Intuitive web interface with help pages
  • Logical Project, Site and Sensor Management
  • User hierarchy for controlled stakeholder access
  • Power & Signal Monitoring
  • Industry-leading customer support


  • Construction Monitoring
  • Windfarm Noise
  • Entertainment Noise
  • Demolition Monitoring
  • Aircraft Noise
  • Extractive & Waste Industries
  • Industrial Noise Monitoring
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Power Generation/Transmission

Product Description

LivEnviro provides real-time web-based monitoring of Noise, Vibration, Dust and Weather on a single secure website using certified and site proven sensors.

The four components of LivEnviro are: Live Leq – Noise, Live PPV – Vibration, Live PM10 – Dust and LiveMET – Weather.

LivEnviro a true web-based system with Google Maps integration, offering full functionality (real time data, historic data and access to sensors) on any computer, tablet or phone with access to the internet and a web browser.

Controlled access to data can be given to stakeholders.

Users can set up to 24 sets of 5 simultaneous limits per sensor per day with different limits for each day of the week if required.

Data is stored on a dedicated Raid 10 Server and backup server in a UK data centre. A local copy of the data is also made at each of the sensors.


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