Norsonic Nor1026 NorReview

For reviewing, analysing, post-processing and reporting data from Norsonic Instruments.


  • Multiple displays of level vs time and level vs frequency data
  • 3D and spectrogram views of time, level and frequency data
  • All views can be transferred into word documents
  • Select or delete sections/events and re-calculate indices
  • Replay of audio recordings with Dynamic Cursor function
  • Markers and notes can be added to analysis
  • Files (eg images) can also be added to projects
  • Weather data supported
  • Automatic report generation with default and user-defined formats


  • Environmental Noise
  • Transportation Noise
  • Construction/Demolition Noise
  • Industrial Noise
  • Waste Processing Noise
  • Minerals & Mining Noise
  • Neighbour Noise
  • Noise Complaints
  • Entertainment Noise


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