Rion Accelerometers

A wide range of high quality voltage and charge output accelerometers.


  • General Purpose Single Axis accelerometers
  • Compact, lightweight Single Axis Acclerometers
  • High sensitivity (40 pC/g) single axis accelerometers
  • Heat resistant accelerometers
  • Miniature Triaxial Accelerometers
  • Waterproof single axis accelerometers
  • Reference accelerometer


  • Industrial Machinery Vibration
  • Defence Products
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Automotive Vibration
  • Aerospace
  • Rail Industry Vibration
  • Hand Arm Vibration
  • Marine an offshore
  • Test and Measurement

Product Description

Rion Accelerometers have an enviable reputation for accuracy and longevity. Rion manufacture a wide range of accelerometers.

In addition to charge type, ICP and TEDS compliant general accelerometers, Rion manufacture a reference standard accelerometer, accelerometers designed for high temperature use, lightweight accelerometers for modal analysis, lightweight triaxial accelerometers suited to measurement of Hand Arm Vibration and high sensitivity accelerometers.

The high sensitivity 40 pC/g PV-87 is widely used for measurement of low levels of vibration. Although some ICP accelerometers might appear to have higher sensitivity this can be due to the gain of the integrated amplifer rather than the sensing element and this can lead to a noisy signal. The PV-87 offers a combination of high sensitivity and low noise because the high sensitivity is derived from the sensing element itself.


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